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Andrew Hadley

Chief Executive Officer


I chose to become a member of CGE because I want to lend my voice to championing the benefits that flow from gender diversity. The evidence is irrefutable; a diverse workforce with equal gender representation is not only fair and appropriate but will result in better business performance. So, in my opinion, gender equity simply makes sense at every conceivable level.

The current gender imbalance in leadership needs an ongoing and concerted focus and I am passionate and committed to play my part. I have seen first-hand the challenges that women can face, whether progressing through the ranks or returning to work, and I intend to use my influence to ensure that talented females have every opportunity to realise their potential.

Our organisation has a strong focus on diversity and inclusion that is being brought to life through a number of programs. Our Gender Equity and Working Parents Committees comprise a significant number of male colleagues who understand and champion the benefits of a diverse workplace and I personally am committed to continuing to role model and encourage these important gender conversations at every opportunity.

Strong and aligned leadership from the top down will influence positive change more rapidly, and I ultimately hope that my daughter and her generation can grow up in an era in which gender equality is simply the social norm.



CEO Conversation.