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Minister Katy Gallagher to Attend Pioneering Return-to-Work Event Connecting Parents with Employers


Ross Barron - Head of Wesley College, Perth hosted our first 2023 CEO Summit 👏

The theme was ‘Accelerating Gender Equity Through Psychosocial Safety’ ⛑

Ross candidly shared the gender equity journey at Wesley College including success and lessons learned on psychosocial safety.

Carmen Boothman, RITP and Zoe Weir from HWL Ebsworth Lawyers fast-tracked the group on new legislation which came into effect in December putting psychosocial safety on the same footing as physical safety 👩🏾‍⚖️

Our CEOs had group discussions to share solutions before we wrapped up with a commitment from every attendee 📝

2 weeks after our CEO summits – Ashley McGrath hosts a deep dive session with the gender equity leads from our member organisations where we bring ideas from our summit to life – stay tuned for some unique solutions and collaborations 💡

To secure your place at our next CEO summit 📧

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