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Caitlin Iustini and Ben Lambert join CEOs for Gender Equity Board


Our second CEO Summit of 2023, themed 'The Gender Pay Gap'.

This topic is particularly relevant given the imminent publication of the Gender Pay Gap (GPG) data for all Australian employers with more than 100 employees in early 2024.⏱

We extend our gratitude to KPMG Australia for graciously hosting the event and to Gillian Manning for sharing valuable insights on KPMG's own GPG and the proactive measures being taken to address it.

Our keynote speaker, Libby Lyons, Chairperson of Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), shed light on the implications of the new GPG legislation for Australian businesses and provided important perspectives.

Key discussion themes included:

⚠ Recognising the high reputational risk associated with GPG publication - Taking immediate action is crucial.

📆 Implementing monthly reporting to stay on top of GPG metrics.

👎 Understanding the impact of the GPG on employee morale.

🔎 Reviewing recruitment processes to address potential gender biases.

👨‍🏫 Preparing employees for the forthcoming GPG publication.

🤝 Inspiring and influencing B2B customers on the importance of the GPG.

As a member of CEOs for Gender Equity, you are invited to three CEO summits a year. These summits serve as confidential platforms for CEOs across various industries to engage in candid conversations and collaborative efforts toward achieving gender equity.

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